2024 Resolutions

Resolution #1 of 2024- Fee Schedule

Resolution #2 of 2024- Payment of Insurances

Resolution #3 of 2024- Appointing of Official Depositories

Resolution #4 of 2024- Act 600

Resolution #5 of 2024- Appointment of Phillip Weiner & Co. (John Ruehle)

Resolution #6 of 2024- Disbursements between meetings

Resolution #7 of 2024- Setting bond amounts

Resolution #8 of 2024- IRS Mileage

Resolution #9 of 2024- Appointing Conference Delegates

Resolution #10 of 2024- Roadmaster Abolishment

Resolution #11 of 2024- Intergovernmental Agreement

Resolution #12 of 2024- Intergovernmental Agreement

Resolution #13 of 2024- STMP Grant Authorization

Resolution #14 of 2024- The Chris Sainato/Dan Vogler Infrastructure Tax Increase

Resolution #15 of 2024- Lawrence County Transportation Grant-Shenango Township Bituminous Asphalt Project of 2024

Resolution #16 of 2024- Lawrence County Transporation Grant-Shenango Township Seal Coat Project of 2024

Resolution #17 of 2024- Morgan Hill recommendation to Fire Warden

Resolution #18 of 2024-PA 250 Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Mini Grant Application

Resolution #19 of 2024- Federal Appropriations Application Through Congressman Kelly’s Office for Funding Towards Downtown Shenango Plan

Resolution #20 of 2024- Expiration of Applications

Resolution #21 of 2024- NCTA Funding

Resolution #22 of 2024- Capital Fire Grant Support

Resolution #23 of 2024- WalkWorks Grant Support

Resolution #24 of 2024- DCED Agreement for Peer Consulting for Fire and Emergency Services

Resolution #25 of 2024- Anonymous complaints and requests

Resolution #26 of 2024- Participation in Forward Lawrence Municipal Membership